Sunday, April 8, 2012

Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen! Alleluia!

A Blessed Easter to All.  We had lovely liturgies this Triduum.  Five baptized and five more received into the Church on Holy Saturday.  It was our first attempt at a bilingual Vigil and I thought it went very well.  Actually, we snuck a little Latin in there so it was really a "trilingual" liturgy.

My friend, Mark Brinkman, is a Christian music writer.  He has a song that has a couple of lines that sum up what today is about.  The song (which you can find on YouTube) is called: From the 3rd Day On.

From the 3rd day on. . .Christ is risen!!
From the 3rd day on. . .He is alive!!
From the 3rd day on. . .We are forgiven!!
Make sure you're living. . .From the 3rd day on.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday

It has been a quiet day so far.  The sun is shining and a light wind blowing.  Not exactly what Minnesotans expect on an early April Good Friday. 

Our first service was lovely.  The children's choir led the music.  I am always inspired by the veneration of the cross.  As I spend more time in a parish I become more aware of the various crosses that people carry in their lives.  As they venerate the cross I see the devotion in their eyes and it is always moving.

We have members of our RCIA group carry in a large cross.  It takes several to manage it.  They then hold it as people venerate it.  I think it is a nice way for them to connect with the Paschal Mystery as we move through the Triduum.  They are also among those whose feet we wash on Holy Thursday.

Here is a link to the text which will be used at the Stations of the Cross in Rome this year.  They were written by a married couple.  It is always fascinating to reflect on these each year as someone different is assigned the writing each year.  Last year I believe it was a cloistered nun.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

An incredible proclamation of the Passion

Trinity Church on Wall Street has a tradition of fine music.  On Palm Sunday they presented an improvised chanting of the Passion according to Mark.  It is an incredible experience.  Wouldn't I love to be able to do something like this?

Mass of the Lord's Supper

My Holy Thursday liturgy is finished and the Spanish Mass is just starting.  It was a beautiful celebration in our own simple way.  All week I was struck by the idea that perception is important to us when we look at an event.  I spoke tonight about the story of the Passover from the Jewish perspective and from the Egyptian perspective - liberation and horror.  I spoke about the perception that Paul must have faced as he spoke and wrote about the Last Supper of Jesus and what it means to us - perplexity and comfort.  I spoke about the washing of the feet from the perspective of Peter and our own understanding - incredulity and challenge. 

When we hear these stories we hear them within our own lived context and experience.  It is a context of faith.  In light of the challenges to our faith in these days and the choice of so many to discard the practice of their faith, how can we reinvigorate these stories which captured the imagination of people for millennia?  What is the word the the Lord is speaking to us today that needs to be passed on?

May this Triduum be a time of blessing for you as we delve deeply into the Paschal Mystery.

The Triduum Begins