Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sede vacante

The Chair of St. Peter is vacant with the resignation of His Holiness, Benedict XVI, Pope-emeritus. 

Did you have a chance to watch any of the events surrounding the final hours of Pope Benedict's pontificate?  I found it a very moving experience.  Not, perhaps, on par with the death of Blessed John Paul II but quite emotional in its own way.  We now turn our prayers to the process of electing a new Pope.  In the Diocese of Winona Bishop Quinn has given permission for the use of the Mass for the election of a pope from the Roman Missal on those Lenten days when it is allowed.  Resources are available from the USCCB."

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Church apse painted by graffiti artists

I heard about this the other day as I was driving from one place to another.  It sounded interesting.  The priest used local graffiti artists but would not let them begin until they studied the Romanesque style he was interested in.  They went to Barcelona and came back and began to paint.  I think the end effect is pretty stunning.

 BBC has an article with pictures

Liturgical resources for the papal transition

The USCCB has provided some great resources for the papal transition.  Here is the link:

Bishop Quinn has given permission to use the Masses "for the Pope" and "for the election of a Pope" during the Lenten season on days that allow these Masses.  Marked with a V1 in the ordo.

Farewell, Pope Benedict

Tomorrow afternoon, Pope Benedict will leave the Vatican for Castel Gandalfo and the beginning of his retirement.  His last public event was the General Audience that ws held in St. Peter's Square rather than the audience hall because of the expected crowd.  Italian authorities estimate that between 150,000 and 200,000 people joined the Holy Father for this audience.  Here is a video of the audience.

Here is a link to his final blessing at the end of the audience.

The Knight of Columbus have circulated tha following prayer which can be used to pray for Pope Benedict and the Holy Spirit's guidance for the cardinal electors who will gather soon in conclave to elect the new Pope.

O Lord Jesus Christ , Supreme Pastor of Your Church, we thank you for the ministry of Pope Benedict XVI and the selfless care with which he has led us as Successor of Peter, and Your Vicar on earth.

Good Shepherd, who founded Your Church
on the rock of Peter's faith
and have never left Your flock untended, look with love upon us now, and sustain Your Church in faith, hope, and charity.

Grant, Lord Jesus, in Your boundless love for us, a new Pope for Your Church who will please You by his holiness and lead us faithfully to You, who are the same yesterday, today, and forever.
