Sunday, November 13, 2011

Only two weeks left

This morning I used Eucharistic Prayer III in its present translation for one of the last times. Next week I will probably use EP I since it is Christ the King. I find it interesting to reflect on how I feel as this chapter in the liturgical reform moves to its next phase. I have been praying these prayers for the 26 years of my priesthood and many of them have become like good friends. Words, phrases, prayers that have become meaningful to me over the years. I will miss some of them. But in my preparation for using the new translation I also see new words, phrases and prayers that are very beautiful and I know that the Spirit will help them become new prayers of my heart.

I am giving my final three talks on the Roman Missal this week. Two in Owatonna and one in Stewartville. It has been an inspiration to me how folks are embracing the new translation even though we have not yet experienced it fully. There are hesitations. Some are resistent. But overall I think that we are ready. In my homily this weekend I spoke of the risk that two of the servants took in their stewardship of the master's money and the fear that was the response of the third. We are taking a risk in introducing these changes and there may be some fear and trepidation that goes along with it. But we partner with the Spirit in this endeavor so we know that good will come from our cooperation in trying to make the Mass as beautiful as possible.

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