Friday, March 8, 2013

The Date is Set

The conclave to elect the next pope will begin on Tuesday, March 12. 

Here is the prayer for the election of a pope from the Roman Missal.

O God, eternal shepherd,

who govern your flock with unfailing care,

grant in your boundless fatherly love

a pastor for your Church

who will please you by his holiness

and to us show watchful care.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.

We will be having a time of adoration one night early next week.  Probably Monday since that will put us before the conclave begins.  (By Tuesday evening the first meeting of the conclave will already have happened because of the time difference.)

Rocco Palmo at Whispers in the Loggia had a link to the program used at the Cardinal's prayer earlier this week.  I am thinking we will use the same - but in English.  A nice way of joining with the Cardinals in prayer.

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