Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Catechetical Day

Yesterday was our diocesan catechetical day.  We are in a series of formation days around the faith with our catechetical leaders and the topic yesterday was Sacraments.  I gave a presentation on preparing to celebrate Mass with children in schools and faith formation programs. 

In her book, Preparing Parish Liturgies: A Guide to Resources (Liturgical Press) Rita Thiron has a list of "Ten Basic Principals of Liturgical Preparation" that I used as a kind of summary of my talk.  They are: 
  • It's all about the paschal mystery!
  • Every liturgy is the function of the priestly office of Jesus Christ
  • Recognize the role of the assembly
  • lex orandi, lex credendi
  • Always begin with the rite
  • The Word is essential
  • Allow the ritual to speak
  • Environment affects worship
  • Music is integral
  • Preparation and evaluation is imperative
Among other points I tried to impress on the folks that we prepare the liturgy not plan it.  The Church has already given us the plan, we then need to prepare to celebrate the various rites. 

I also proposed planning "from the inside out.'  By this I mean starting with Sing to the Lord being intentional about planning acclamations, dialogues, etc. rather than trying to figure out what our favorite song is and how we will find a place for it.

I hope the folks took some good principals with them from the very hot room, non-airconditioned room.

We began with Mass and used one of the Michel Guimont/Delores Dufner pieces from Amen to the Body of Christ - Bread of Life, Cup of Blessing.

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