Saturday, July 16, 2011

Last week and this, Jesus gives us parables about seeds and sowers. God sows the word and is determined to attract us. As we heard last week, our response to that word varies. Sometimes we respond wholeheartedly and sometimes we are more ambivalent. And then we look around and see all of those whose lives indicate that they have not embraced the Gospel. We see those who live selfishly so they can get ahead. Who cheat their way to the top. Whose moral life is a scandal. Who don’t go to church. And sometimes we have to admit they seem pretty happy. And the doubt begins to gnaw at us – maybe we should give in to temptation and we would be happier. Or maybe we wonder why God doesn’t smite them.

But then we look at our life and notice those inconsistencies. The times we were lukewarm about our faith. The times we did not act in moral or ethical ways. The areas of our lives where we allow sinfulness to reign. And then we realize that we are blessed by the patience of our God. We too, benefit when God does not exact swift judgment and punishment. We realize that our lives are a work in progress – and so are the lives of the people around us. So, before we get out our pens and paper and start our list of those we consider weeds in the garden of the Lord we will look into our own heart, recognize our own need for God’s healing and thank the Lord for his mercy.

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