Saturday, July 2, 2011

"My Yoke is Easy." Is it?

Jesus says that his yoke is easy and his burden is light, but this may not be entirely true. The burden Jesus alludes to are the demands of the law, and instead of preaching permissiveness, Jesus usually intensifies the demands. So it may not be that his burden actually is lighter; rather, it feels lighter once we have put on his yoke. Remember, oxen are usually yoked together to pull a load. The yoke Jesus offers us is one he also wears. Side by side we are to walk, watching and doing as Jesus does. Side by side we are to learn by his grace the way of gentle humility until one day we too may soar the celestial heights.

Steven P. Brey and Lynda C. Ward. AT HOME WITH THE WORD, 1999: SUNDAY SCRIPTURES AND REFLECTIONS. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1998, page 107

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