Sunday, April 8, 2012

Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen! Alleluia!

A Blessed Easter to All.  We had lovely liturgies this Triduum.  Five baptized and five more received into the Church on Holy Saturday.  It was our first attempt at a bilingual Vigil and I thought it went very well.  Actually, we snuck a little Latin in there so it was really a "trilingual" liturgy.

My friend, Mark Brinkman, is a Christian music writer.  He has a song that has a couple of lines that sum up what today is about.  The song (which you can find on YouTube) is called: From the 3rd Day On.

From the 3rd day on. . .Christ is risen!!
From the 3rd day on. . .He is alive!!
From the 3rd day on. . .We are forgiven!!
Make sure you're living. . .From the 3rd day on.

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