Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mass of the Lord's Supper

My Holy Thursday liturgy is finished and the Spanish Mass is just starting.  It was a beautiful celebration in our own simple way.  All week I was struck by the idea that perception is important to us when we look at an event.  I spoke tonight about the story of the Passover from the Jewish perspective and from the Egyptian perspective - liberation and horror.  I spoke about the perception that Paul must have faced as he spoke and wrote about the Last Supper of Jesus and what it means to us - perplexity and comfort.  I spoke about the washing of the feet from the perspective of Peter and our own understanding - incredulity and challenge. 

When we hear these stories we hear them within our own lived context and experience.  It is a context of faith.  In light of the challenges to our faith in these days and the choice of so many to discard the practice of their faith, how can we reinvigorate these stories which captured the imagination of people for millennia?  What is the word the the Lord is speaking to us today that needs to be passed on?

May this Triduum be a time of blessing for you as we delve deeply into the Paschal Mystery.

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